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Modern Indian Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill



For Carolina faculty

Modern Indian Studies Faculty Research Awards

The MIS Faculty Research Award is intended to further research on contemporary India, broadly conceived. The award is open to tenure track and fixed term faculty of any rank that have completed at least one year at UNC. Applicants may request up to $3,000 per award.

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Global Partnership Awards

Global Partnership Awards are designed to develop and sustain partnerships between UNC-Chapel Hill and international institutions, typically colleges or universities. Awards are made to support Carolina faculty, staff and graduate students who engage in or develop opportunities for collaborative activity, with preference given to proposals that include designated UNC-Chapel Hill strategic or key partners, although applications can involve other international institutions.

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Curriculum Development Awards for COIL

These awards, offered through the Connecting Carolina Classrooms with the World initiative, support Carolina faculty members interested in working with a colleague at an international partner institution to develop collaborative activities for students in their regularly scheduled courses. Faculty can also request funds to hire a graduate student teaching assistant in the first semester in which the course is taught, to provide support in the development or implementation of COIL activities.

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NSF-DST India Collaborative Research Opportunities

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the Government of India have signed an Implementation Arrangement on research cooperation. The Implementation Arrangement provides a framework to encourage collaboration between U.S. and Indian research communities and sets out the principles by which joint activities might be supported. Through this research agency partnership, U.S. researchers may receive funding from NSF and India researchers may receive funding from DST respectively.

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For Carolina students

Koneru R. Rao Global Fellowship

The Koneru R. Rao Global Fellowship is intended to support graduate students to conduct academic fieldwork in India.

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Modern Indian Studies Graduate Student Workshop Facilitator

The Modern Indian Studies graduate student workshop facilitator will shape conversations and activities at student workshops in Spring semester..

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Modern Indian Studies Graduate Student Conference Travel Awards

The MIS Graduate Student Conference Travel Award is intended to further research on contemporary India, broadly conceived, by supporting a graduate student’s travel costs to present original research at an academic conference.

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Modern Indian Studies Undergraduate Student Excellence Awards

The MIS Undergraduate Student Excellence Award is intended to further research on modern India, broadly conceived, by recognizing the scholarship of undergraduate students. One award of $500 will be given annually for the best unpublished essay or research paper (10-20 pages) written by an undergraduate from any discipline relating to modern India.

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Mahatma Gandhi Fellowships

Supported by Sangam, the South Asian student group at UNC, the Mahatma Gandhi Fellowship supports one undergraduate and one graduate student each year to execute a self-designed civic engagement project that benefits South Asian communities, in the US and abroad, whether through direct service or increasing awareness of South Asian culture and issues.

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Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships

FLAS fellowships fund the study of less commonly taught languages and related area studies. Both summer and academic year fellowships are available, and both undergraduate and graduate students can apply through the Carolina Asia Center. Languages options include Hindi, Urdu and others!

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Phillips Ambassadors Program

The Phillips Ambassadors Program is open to UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University undergraduate students across all majors, who are applying for a UNC-approved study abroad academic program located in East Asia, South Asia or Southeast Asia.

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Fulbright U.S. Student Program

This U.S. Department of Education program provides grants to colleges and universities to fund individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of six- to 12-months. This grant provides travel expenses, maintenance allowance for the grantee and the grantee’s dependents, books and other research-related expenses and health insurance to doctoral candidates who wish to engage in full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies.

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Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Award

This U.S. Department of Education program provides grants to colleges and universities to fund individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of six- to 12-months. This grant is available to doctoral candidates who wish to engage in full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies. The grant provides travel expenses, maintenance allowance for the grantee and the grantee’s dependents, books and other research-related expenses and health insurance.

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